How to Avoid Legal Ethics Violation in Law Firm Marketing

As lawyers we must come to the realisation that without marketing, our law careers are bound to fall into oblivion in the post-covid world.  Many lawyers are [wisely] concerned about the ethical considerations that go along with having active Social Media accounts, including blogs. Social Media for Lawyers is the present – and the future.Continue reading “How to Avoid Legal Ethics Violation in Law Firm Marketing”

Ethical Marketing Tools for the Post COVID-19 Era

Marketing has always been a necessary and integral part of a successful law practice. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has created even more marketing challenges for lawyers. For lawyers who use the relationship-building technique for developing new business, the options available have narrowed. While networking has been an excellent way to develop business, with the virus,Continue reading “Ethical Marketing Tools for the Post COVID-19 Era”

Law Firm Marketing in a Nutshell

Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable and consistent content to attract a target audience. As opposed to traditional advertising, content marketing is the art of getting a clear message to your audience without selling (advertising). It’s a dance, right? The focus is on creating client-centered content that helps your audience (potentialContinue reading “Law Firm Marketing in a Nutshell”

How to Find Your Niche and Differentiate Yourself From The Herd

“if I choose one area of specialty, won’t I be turning all of this potential business away?” No. It’s actually the opposite. If you’re serious about starting a business and succeeding, you’re willing to adopt the responsibilities of a real business owner. That means offering a specific service or working with a specific type ofContinue reading “How to Find Your Niche and Differentiate Yourself From The Herd”

2021 Ethical Marketing Roadmap for Lawyers

Marketing — getting clients who have a need to know you, like you, and trust you — is what prepares your client for sales conversations. It’s also something that lawyers struggle with most. This is simply because advertising is a breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct. How then can you start and scale aContinue reading “2021 Ethical Marketing Roadmap for Lawyers”

Legal Marketing: How to Build a Profitable Law Business in 2021.

What is the difference between lawyers who are successful and those who aren’t? More often than not it comes down to the fact that successful lawyers have mastered the art of rainmaking, marketing and client development skills, while those who are unsuccessful have not. The importance of learning how to market your law business cannotContinue reading “Legal Marketing: How to Build a Profitable Law Business in 2021.”

11 Battle Tested Marketing Strategies to Help you Build Awareness and Increase Revenue for your Law Business.

You will agree that as most persons born since 1970 spend most of their day on the internet and social media (about 6 hours daily), the best way to reach your target clients in 2021 is to find them online. There are over four billion internet users globally? You need a thoughtful marketing strategy toContinue reading “11 Battle Tested Marketing Strategies to Help you Build Awareness and Increase Revenue for your Law Business.”

Is it Time to Start your Own Law Business?

Many millenial lawyers, myself included, long harbored a secret desire that they could only speak of in whispers at the office. I’m talking about the desire to one day open up your own law firm. Whether it is a desire to break free from the “golden handcuffs,” a consequence of law firm downsizing or justContinue reading “Is it Time to Start your Own Law Business?”

How to Generate Extra Income as a Lawyer in 2021

As a legal practitioner, you have to get used to living on a financial roller coaster. Some months can be really good and some months you worry about meeting basic expenses. One great way to keep things on a more even keel is to find a way to supplement your income. In 2016, I startedContinue reading “How to Generate Extra Income as a Lawyer in 2021”

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